Saturday 28 April 2007

30 second film

heres a site that will make you laugh, its got loads of films like 'star wars' and 'priates of the cariben' that have been redone in 30 seconds. You could show one to your youthgroup/church and get them to guess what film it is. Just for a bit of fun.

click here to see the site


Prophet of God said...

Brothers and sisters are being persecuted and put to death and you want to have fun. The bible was correct when it says in the last days they will be lovers of pleasure RATHER than lovers of God.
You need to repent and instead of trying to have FUN, start using that time to pray for the persecuted believers. The ones who are suffering for HIS name sake.

Fun isn't in the bible. Persecution, death, isn't fun. We are supposed to live holy lives not lives of fun.

Repent you sinner.


Dave Saunders said...

Are you having a laugh?????

Billy said...

'Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me'.
our brother Newton wrote these words last century.
I like another old redemption hymn,
'Mercy there was great and grace was free pardon there was multiplied to me, there my burdened soul found liberty at calvary'
Wilberforce and the like never read novels or entered into trivia as they thought time and life was precious and should be sanctified and used for holy purposes.
The bible calls for us to remember our brothers and sisters in sufferings,prisons, persecutions and pray, do what we can but not be fixated.
I wonder Brother you remember christians and suffering humanity as well as being playful.
Perhaps the use of filmclips from Christian films may be an alternative you could offer?