Monday 30 April 2007

A Reacting Church

I realize that change isn't easy for anyone, but its the time it takes to change will be our biggest question as the church, will we ever catch up with the fast changing pase of the world?

Will we ever be people that react to whats around us and set the pace of change for world?


Prophet of God said...

Are we supposed to react and set the changes for the world?
I don't think so!
But hey! it doesn't matter what I think or say. Lets check out the words of Jesus.
He said that we shouldn't learn the ways of the heathen.That we should be in the world but be not like the world.
Jesus said that we would be hated by the world, not change it.
He said that to love the world and things of the world would lead us to hell.
This is not the biggest question for the church ( will we ever catch up with the fast changing pace of the world)
No the biggest question for the church is, why is it trying to look like the world, behave like the world and compromise it's holiness and its faithfulness to God, in order to increase numbers of people to it's ranks.

The present day church has become a whore, selling it's self to increase its numbers, doing anything and incorporating anything "it" feels will increase its numbers. All along forgetting that it is God who saves and not man.
Jesus said that there would be a massive falling away from the truth of God's word and so it is.

Jesus is not coming back for a reacting church. He is coming back for a bride that is with out spot or blemish, a church that is hated and persecuted on account of His name. A holy, perfected, righteous, pure church.
Not a church that embraces the practicing of sin. A church that thinks it, its self, can pick and choose the body of Christ.

You really need to read the whole bible from beginning to end and to understand the revelation through Gods spirit that what you and many others are preaching is a different Jesus and a different Gospel.

Jesus is coming soon,

Billy said...

It would be interesting to look into the understanding of what is meant by 'the church' from our brothers perspectives and does such a generic embodiement exist and is it localised or universal to apply to it either of the applications here mentioned ie Change? and Whore?